Grossso modo Vous rajoutez un lien vers les posts des autres personnes participant à l'experience, jusque là rien de bien original. Mais là où ca change des autres actions c'est que vous les rajoutez aussi comme favoris technorati.
Le but de Kawaiikuma, le rédacteur de DoshDosh, plus de lien bien sûr mais essayer de voir ce que peux donner l'intégration de son blog dans le top 100 des favoris de technorati.... Affaire à suivre donc...
Je me pose simplement deux questions:
- Est-ce que ce type de chaînes de liens est partie pour s'arrêter un jour,
- Mais surtout: quelle sera la pertinence des classements Technorati après le passage des différentes vagues d'échanges de lien???
Pour mieux comprendre le processus: ci-dessous l'explication du mode" de fonctionnement repris de chez DoshDosh
"1. Participate by Exchanging Favorites
Favorite my blog by clicking here-->

2. Link to this blog post with your Post on Technorati Favorites
This is only for those bloggers who are interested in holding Technorati exchanges on their blog as well. These are the steps you need to take: Create a post on your blog announcing that you are exchanging Technorati favorites. Prominently include a link to this post to indicate that there is a similar exchange going on at Dosh Dosh. You can use any link text you want. I do however prefer that you make a new post on this topic instead of putting the link in a old post that is already deep in your archives. Get a Link Back . Once I’ve noticed the link via trackback or Technorati, I’ll include a link to your post on Technorati favorites in this post itself so readers here can visit your blog to participate if they want to. I will also try to periodically highlight this post so it never gets lost in the archives. [...]Anyone wanna get things started?

La liste des blogs qui y participent
19. JameoTips - ValkrieAngel 20. I Thought, Therefore I Blog - Bet Shop Boy 21. Make Money Online: Quick n’ Easy Way - EJ Cooksey22. MLM Forums online marketing blog - Jens P. Berget 23. Ramblings of an Undisturbed Mind - Beth 24. QMusings - Mrs Q25. NiaTrading Signals - Alex 3071 26. BlogOp - Chris Lodge 27. - Ashish Mohta 28. - Yogesh 29. Shadow Scope - Richard 30. TechJunction - Netbizopp 31. Genius Type - Brian Lee 32. FrugalMomma - Lisa Knight 33. Life Spices - Indra 34. Living Your Dreams - Lee Tuck Sing 35. My Online Collections - star500k 36. How to Earn Money Blogging - Daryl Lau 37. Pentimento - Webduck 38. Article Discovery Politics - David Greene 39. Rugjeff’s Blog about Blogging - Rugjeff 40. Lack of Money is the Root of All Evil - Kakashihatake 41. Digital Phocus - Brendan Monaghan 42. Digital Information Technology - Atul Dogra 43. Inklings: The Copywriter’s Blog - Walter Burek 44. Gauravonomics - Gaurav 45. Internet Serious Business - The Troll 46. Romance Tracker - Phil Van Treuren 47. Genus_Loci - John 48. - Kyle Eslick 49. - Danielle 50. Bubba Stuff - Sandee Leong 51. Syaf the Geek - Syafrizal Abu Mansor 52. Manila Mom - Maia Jose 53. Can’t Coach That - Coach McGee 54. UrgentClick - Andy 55. - Danny Dang 56. Blog About Money Online - Alex Bamo 57. The Pond - Karen 58. Untwisted Vortex - RT Cunningham 59. TeknoBites - Ram 60. The Rojak Blog - Ap0gEE 61. - Matthew Jabs 62. Life Rocks! 2.0 - Nirmal T V 63. Life in the Fast Lane - Deborah 64. Dummies Guide to Google Blogger Beta - Vin 65. Army Mum: New Jersey - Charlotte 66. H 67. Wampago - Chris 68. - Ponn M. Sabra 69. Bigfoot Sightings - Linda Martin 70. Online Business News - Tammy Ames 71. Tricia’s Musings - Tricia 72. Blog Fyais - iszo 73. ShanKri-La - Karthik Ramadoss 74. The anitokid chronikos - Anitokid 75. Random Expressions - Deepak Jeswal 76. Keeping Fit is A Daily Battle - Nash Trout 77. Magical Rose Garden - Magical Rose Garden 78. Revvi::blog - Revvi Sudirnoputra 79. Skeet’s Stuff - Skeet 80. Tech Lock Rahul - Rahul 81. Anja Merret - Anja Merret 82. Rishiraj - Rishi 83. ::Under the Rainbow:: - [s][e][x][y][i][n][r][e][d] 84. //Engtech - Engtech 85. Mom Gadget - Gayla McCord 86. Planet Apex - Planet Apex 87. Captain Picard’s Journal - Jean Luc Picard 88. Table4Five - Elizabeth 89. Computer Mobile Corner - Santa 91. Sizlopedia - Sizlopedia 92. Mother’s Home - Stine 93. Dox - Rahul 94. iReview - iReview 95. My Life - Clsyee 96. My Journey to One Million Dollars - Laura 97. Ordinary Folk - Mike 98. - Andy Beard 99. TechnoDiary - Sahil Gupta 100. SEO Blog at Pixnet - SEO Blog at Pixnet 101. SMO Blog - Mark Blair 102. My Life, My Story, My Passion - Yong Kai Loon 103. My Affiliate Journey - Vlad 104. Real Amber - Real Amber 105. Me and My Net - Anoop Kumar Singh 106. Klamath Design - Linda 107. Homemaker Diary - MQ 108. The Blog Columnist - The Blog Columnist 109. Six Degrees of Inspiration - Nicholas Kister 10. Internet Marketing - Schee 111. Vacilamos! - Ari 112. Mr & Mrs Imran - Mr and Mrs Imran 113. Mina’s Musings - Mina 114. Panda Cube - Aki Jinn 115. Lifecruiser - Lifecruiser 116. SMS Today - SMS Today 117. Creative Design - David Airey 118. Jon Lee dot see eh - Jon Lee 119. Nukilan Jejari Azhad - Shaz Azhad 120. (exceptional) - Jon 121. Arts & Stuff - Susan Borges 122. Sapphire Knight - Sapphire Knight 133. Shakeroo’s Gold - Shakeroo 134. The Making of an Internet Entrepreneur - Maria 5. Domestic Divapalooza - Angela Llewellyn Stevens 136. Business Sanity - Susan Martin 137. The Thinking Blog - Ilker Yoldas 138. - ketyung 139. - Tech Livez 140. Ms Latina Renee Enterprise - Latina Renee 141. Design Adaptations - Charity Ondriezek 142. Online Diary - Venu 143. Square Cookies - Square Cookies 144. Sleeping Princess - Jocelyn 145. Shankar’s Tech Blog 2.0 - Shankar 146. Diet Recipe for Everyday - Cherry 147. Technacular - Vikas Sah 148. Kabatology - Kabatology 149. Filipino Entrepreneur - Manolito 150. Intensive Care for the Nurtured Soul - Hueina Su 151. The Reviewer - The Reviewer 152. IndiaPR Blog - hobbithob 153. Show me the Money - Gerri 154. Blue Sky Brothers - Greg Meares 155. Reality Wired - James 156. A Blogspate - Juliet Pain 157 The Outsider View 158 Not just any ordinary blog blogjer 159 Making Money trough Internet Married Melody
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